Ava, Episode 1 - Out Now!

Post By:
Michelle Artreche
Created On:
October 19, 2021

Ava, Episode 1 - Out Now!

We have exciting news to share with you. We are officially launching Episode 1 of Ava!

We have developed three different components of our product that will work together to create an engaging, easy-to-use social-emotional learning tool for educators and autism service providers to empower youth of all neurotypes. These components are the game, Ava, our Social Emotional Learning curriculum, and the Companion Application.

The first component.

Ava, the game itself. Social Cipher aims to develop a series of ‘Ava’ games, or episodes, each of which will take place in a colorful space pirate universe and focus on different SEL competencies. Our game follows the journey of Ava, an autistic young star mapper, as she navigates the galaxy using her trusty space grappling hook. She encounters a colorful collection of space pirates on her adventures, each one with their own story for Ava to discover and engage with.

Episode 1 is designed to be roughly 45 minutes of gameplay, with three modular lessons, which we call quests, designed to be used in tandem with the curriculum and companion app.

The second component

Our curriculum. We are utilizing CASEL standards in the development of our curriculum, as well as the product, which focuses on 5 generalized competencies:

1. Self-awareness
2. Self-management
3. Social awareness
4. Relationship skills
5. Responsible decision making

These competencies are widely used by many institutions for a range of ages and are relevant to the development of youth of all neurotypes. The paper curriculum is designed to utilize these concepts to explore a central theme, such as building trust with others, or learning how to fail. It is broken into three core quests, each with multiple activities to explore the social-emotional concepts woven into the story of the game. These activities are designed to take about fifteen minutes and can be used in a session along with the first episode of our game.

The third component.

The companion app, a web application designed to be a dashboard for counselors and educators to facilitate their use of our product. It also hosts the web version of the game for clients to log in and play. Through the Companion App, ‘Ava’ games become easy to use remotely, keeping track of multiple student/client profiles, and helps professionals create a controlled environment to carry out social-emotional learning.

With these three components working together, Social Cipher is excited to represent and empower autistic youth, connecting them with their counselors and educators. Through our testing with over 20 counselors and hundreds of kids, we have already gotten affirming feedback from the community!

We are so grateful for your continued support and are very excited to release the first episode of Ava, get your subscription today! 

Looking for additional information to get Ava for your therapy center or school for engaging, empowering social-emotional learning? Schedule a chat with us!