Conflict Resolution Lesson Plan and Activity

Post By:

Kristine Spindler Denton

Conflict Resolution Lesson Plan and Activity

CASEL Standard

Relationship Skills


Students are able to define conflict resolution and state the importance of being able to resolve conflicts.

Students are able to identify conflicts and appropriately apply resolution techniques.


Observation of students engagement and participation

Completed Conflict Resolution Chart

Completed Student Presentation

Engagement in positive peer feedback

Closing Reflection

Lesson Key Points

Defining conflict resolution and understanding its importance in daily life helps students view conflicts as common, relatable, and solvable.

Conflict resolution skills empower students to confidently face conflicts and work towards positive solutions.

Providing and receiving peer feedback and engaging in discussions increase positive classroom relationships, respect for others and their opinions, empathy, and confidence in expressing one’s insights.


Facilitate a class discussion by asking students if they have every been in a conflict with someone. Ask students to think about how the conflict was resolved.

Encourage students to share their stories if they feel comfortable, or offer conflict examples.

Define the term “conflict resolution” or collaborate with students to create a classroom definition. (CASEL Definition: The process of resolving disagreements or conflicts in a peaceful and constructive manner. It involves understanding different perspectives, actively listening, and finding mutually agreeable solutions.)

Explain that everyone faces conflict and conflict resolution is important for maintaining healthy relationships. Address the misconception that conflict resolution means avoiding conflict, and emphasize that conflicts are natural and can be handled with positive resolutions.


Introduce the following conflict resolution steps for students to follow:

1) Identify the conflict (be specific)

2) Take turns actively listening to each person’s wants/needs

3) Brainstorm resolutions (compromise, apologize, take turns, share, etc.)

4) Bring in mediation if needed by talking to an adult

5) Agree to a resolution

Work Period

Put students in pairs to practice following steps with conflict examples. Possible examples include peer conflicts or family conflicts such as rumors, disagreements about shared space/items, and jealousy.

Instruct students to find three conflicts from their favorite show, movie, or book. Have students come up with a different resolution than the one provided.

Students will complete the Conflict Resolution Chart for each situation, listing the conflict, resolution, and reasoning behind the chosen resolution.

Peer Feedback

Start peer feedback by asking students to provide a positive statement to the presenter about their Conflict Resolution Chart or presenting skills.

Note: Starting with positive feedback builds trust and respect among the students before moving into constructive feedback. Choose what fits your students’ level. Please make sure that all feedback is specific. Example: “I like how both people compromised in Conflict #2 on your chart” or “You did a great job of speaking loudly or clearly” instead of “Good job.”

After the students share their positive and constructive feedback, allow students to ask questions and/or offer alternative resolutions to discuss.


Give students time to reflect on the importance of resolving conflict and how they can apply the conflict resolution steps to their own lives.

Access the downloadable Conflict Resolution Lesson Plan and Activity here.

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